Academy Membership provides:
Prestige: AANOS Membership provides an opportunity to be an integral part of a professional, scientific, non-profit, eleemosynary, and educational philanthropic organization. Knowing you can achieve and satisfy the need for continuing medical education credits (CME) through the experience of annual scientific educational programs. Experiencing the gratitude that an AANOS scholarship recipient expresses, along with knowing you have helped to direct a positive future for medicine. Belonging to an organization, with over 40 years of integrity and experience, where you can try out new ideas, presents papers, exchange scientific ideas and network with peers. Knowing that your vote counts for the future of an organization and medicine.
Certification: As an approved member of AANOS, with the proper residency training in orthopaedic surgery, neurological surgery, spinal surgery, or neurology you may be eligible to apply to take the written and oral certification examinations in these specialties offered by the American Federation for Medical Accreditation.
Annual Scientific Meeting: Each year AANOS provides a learning environment at our annual scientific meeting, along with an opportunity for its members to present their new and up-to-date techniques. Continuing medical education credits (AMA Category 1) are provided for attendees of the annual scientific meetings by an accredited organization. AANOS members also receive discounts on annual meeting registration, air and hotel accommodations.
Peer Reviewed Journal: The Journal of Neurological & Orthopaedic Medicine and Surgery is published online. Please refer to The Journal Section of our site.
Membership Certificate: A certificate suitable for framing is provided to all approved membership applicants.
To view the member directory and see if an AANOS member has been certified by one of the AFMA Boards administered by the Academy,